Clasped Hands Bracelet at Bracelet

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Clasped Hands Bracelet. The best selection of royalty free clasped hands clasp vector art, graphics and stock illustrations. Known to all mankind as a gesture of friendship and love, clasped hands center this beautiful bracelet from jose luis pariona in peru.

Hands Bangle Bracelet Clasped Handshake Silver Friendship Other
Hands Bangle Bracelet Clasped Handshake Silver Friendship Other from

Ad by gioiabeads ad from shop gioiabeads. Clasped hands were often used in 19th century jewelry as symbols. The meaning of clasp is a device (such as a hook) for holding objects or parts together.

Hands Bangle Bracelet Clasped Handshake Silver Friendship Other

Two gloved hands are clasping interlocking rings. The clasp end of the bracelet slides into a special holder that holds the clasp in the open. Clasped hands friendship bangle 16.00. Hand shake charms connector for bracelet.